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Einschätzungen: 4,18 (⭐⭐⭐⭐ : 2018) |
Verfasser : Kaspar Ehrlich |
Korrektor: Marlene Brückner |
Seitenzugriffe: 4629 |
Travel Authorization
I, [Parent/Guardian’s Name], residing at [Address], hereby authorize my child, [Child’s Name], Date of Birth: [Child’s Date of Birth], to travel to [Destination] with [Accompanying Adult’s Name] on the dates of [Dates of Travel].
Details of Accompanying Adult
Name: [Accompanying Adult’s Name]
Relationship to Child: [Relationship]
Identification Number: [ID Number]
Contact Number: [Contact Number]
Travel Itinerary
Flight Number: [Flight Number]
Departure Date and Time: [Departure Date and Time]
Arrival Date and Time: [Arrival Date and Time]
Hotel Accommodation: [Hotel Name and Address]
Contact Number: [Hotel Contact Number]
Emergency Contact Information
In case of an emergency, please contact:
Parent/Guardian: [Parent/Guardian’s Name]
Contact Number: [Parent/Guardian’s Contact Number]
Relationship: [Relationship]
Medical Information
Child’s Doctor: [Doctor’s Name]
Doctor’s Contact Number: [Doctor’s Contact Number]
Allergies or Medical Conditions: [Any Allergies or Medical Conditions]
Insurance Information: [Insurance Policy Number]
I, [Parent/Guardian’s Name], confirm that I have granted permission for my child, [Child’s Name], to travel with [Accompanying Adult’s Name] to [Destination] on the specified dates. I have provided all necessary information and authorize any necessary medical treatment in case of an emergency.
[Parent/Guardian’s Signature]Date: [Date]
This travel authorization has been signed and notarized on this date: [Notary Date]
Notary Public’s Signature: _______________________
Notary Seal: [Notary Seal]
Additional Notes
Please ensure that all travel documents, including passports, visas, and medical insurance information, are in order before departure.
This authorization is valid for the specified dates only and does not extend to any other travel plans in the future.
Disclaimer: This is a sample document and should be customized according to individual circumstances. It is recommended to seek legal advice before using this authorization form.
When a minor is traveling alone or with someone other than a parent, a travel authorization form is usually required. This form can typically be obtained from the airline or travel agency with which the minor will be traveling. It may also be available online on the official website of the airline or government department responsible for travel regulations. It is important to fill out the form accurately and completely, providing all necessary information about the minor, their travel companion, and the trip details.
Usually, both parents are required to sign the travel authorization form if the minor is traveling with someone other than a parent. This is to ensure that both parents are aware and approve of the minor’s travel plans. However, in cases where one parent has sole custody or the other parent is unavailable, a court order or notarized letter granting permission from the absent parent may suffice. It is important to follow the specific requirements outlined by the airline or travel agency.
3. Can a guardian or another adult accompany a minor instead of a parent?
Yes, a guardian or another adult can accompany a minor instead of a parent, but they will need to have the necessary legal documentation to do so. This may include a notarized letter of consent from the parent(s), a copy of the minor’s birth certificate, and any other relevant identification or legal documents. It is important to check with the airline or travel agency for their specific requirements before traveling.
The travel authorization form should include the minor’s full name, date of birth, passport information, travel dates, destination, name of the accompanying adult or guardian, contact information for the parents, and any other relevant details about the trip. It is important to provide accurate and complete information to ensure a smooth travel experience for the minor.
While not all travel authorization forms require notarization, it is always a good idea to have the form notarized to ensure its validity and authenticity. Notarization provides an added level of security and peace of mind for all parties involved, especially when minors are traveling alone or with someone other than a parent. It is best to check with the airline or travel agency for their specific requirements regarding notarization of travel authorization forms.
Yes, the travel authorization form can be used for international travel. However, it is important to check the specific requirements of the destination country regarding travel authorization for minors.
7. Are there any specific requirements or restrictions for the destination country?
Each country may have its own specific requirements or restrictions when it comes to minors traveling with a travel authorization form. It is crucial to do thorough research on the destination country’s regulations and follow them accordingly to avoid any issues during travel.
Along with the travel authorization form, the minor should carry other important documents such as a valid passport, visa (if required), a copy of birth certificate, emergency contact information, and any other documentation specified by the destination country.
The validity of the travel authorization form may vary depending on the issuing authority or the destination country’s regulations. Some forms may be valid for multiple trips within a certain period, while others may be for a single trip only. It is essential to check the validity of the form and renew it as needed for subsequent trips.
If the minor encounters any issues while traveling with the travel authorization form, they should immediately contact the designated emergency contact person or the appropriate authorities in the destination country. It is important to have a plan in place for such situations and to follow the guidance provided by officials to resolve any issues effectively and safely.
Wie schreibt man eine Reisevollmacht Minderjährige Englisch
Schritt 1: Sammeln Sie die erforderlichen Informationen
Bevor Sie mit dem Schreiben der Reisevollmacht beginnen, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie alle erforderlichen Informationen haben, wie den vollständigen Namen des minderjährigen Kindes, den Namen des gesetzlichen Vormunds, das Reisedatum und das Reiseziel.
Schritt 2: Beginnen Sie mit einer Einleitung
Beginnen Sie die Reisevollmacht mit einer klaren Einleitung, in der Sie den Zweck des Dokuments erläutern und erklären, dass der gesetzliche Vormund dem minderjährigen Kind die Erlaubnis gibt, allein zu reisen.
Schritt 3: Geben Sie die persönlichen Informationen des Kindes an
Geben Sie den vollständigen Namen des minderjährigen Kindes, sein Geburtsdatum und seinen Wohnsitz an. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Informationen korrekt und aktuell sind.
Schritt 4: Beschreiben Sie die Reiseinformationen
Geben Sie das genaue Reisedatum und das Reiseziel des minderjährigen Kindes an. Sie können auch Angaben zu Hin- und Rückreisedaten sowie zu Flug- oder Zugnummern machen, wenn dies relevant ist.
Schritt 5: Nennen Sie den gesetzlichen Vormund
Geben Sie den Namen des gesetzlichen Vormunds sowie seine Kontaktdaten an. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der gesetzliche Vormund mit der Reisevollmacht einverstanden ist und das Dokument unterzeichnet hat.
Schritt 6: Fügen Sie eine Erklärung zur Zustimmung des gesetzlichen Vormunds hinzu
Fügen Sie eine Erklärung hinzu, in der der gesetzliche Vormund bestätigt, dass er dem minderjährigen Kind die Erlaubnis gibt, allein zu reisen. Dies ist ein wichtiger Teil der Reisevollmacht.
Schritt 7: Schließen Sie die Reisevollmacht ab
Schließen Sie die Reisevollmacht mit einer Dankesformel und der Unterschrift des gesetzlichen Vormunds ab. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Dokument datiert ist und alle erforderlichen Informationen enthält.